Between school and reality, Einaudi Institute students visiting Isiplast on May 4th, 2015
ISI Plast Spa, a Company from Correggio, leader in Italy in the production of plastic buckets, has been co-operating over the past few years with local schools at different level. Students have been invited to visit the company and see what the whole plant production and molding process is about. The meeting with the students attending Einaudi Institute on May 4th, 2015 is just the last chapter of a series of instruction visits that started several years ago. A project that has already seen several classes, from primary and secondary schools, visiting Isiplast production site.
In this way, older students have the chance to see and experiment the real application of what they are learning at school, as something just theoretical. The concepts studied at school find their tangible application within the activities of a real manufacturing company. Words such as, “Administration”, “Marketing”, “Management Control”, “Balance” and “Logistic” stop being just notions written on books and become activities, processes and operations that real people carry on in real everyday working life.
Students are encouraged to think about the importance of plastic in everyday life and they have been able to get in touch with the complete plastic transforming process, excellence on the territory.
Why a project like this?
Because we believe, it is necessary to approach school to business activities, to encourage young people to enter the “real world”.
This is an opportunity for kids to get to know a very important pole for the local area, the plastic molding industry, which is not so famous among students.
Students are curious about the world of plastic and about the employment opportunities that may be present on the territory for those who are skilled relating to this field.